Monday, October 11, 2010

Progressives--what they really stand for

Progressive in the world today—an editorial

Liberals have abandoned calling themselves liberals because the term took on negative connotations during the 1970s. This is probably a good thing since the word liberal contains the idea of liberty and the left abandoned the concepts of classical liberalism and liberty in the 19th Century.

But the word progressive contains the idea of progress and the left abandoned this concept in the 1970s as well when they became enamored by environmentalism and started to preach not progress but regression to a time where we didn’t use the resources of the earth to better the lives of our citizens. Save the planet vs save the workingman became the goal of Progressives.
Obama made it official when he appointed John Holdren as his scientific czar. Holdren has called for the “dedevelopment” of the United States and the rest of the Western World. We’ve already tried that once in history and today we look back on that as the DARK AGES.

If the liberals believed in truth in advertising they would take the title of Regressives, not Progressives.

5 Reasons why Obama is in big trouble

Forget the myth of an Obama recovery. The past week has been disastrous
for the White House and America’s increasingly disillusioned Left. No wonder the
angry and desperate Vice President Joe Biden is talking about “playing hell” if
his party suffers defeat in November.

Here are five reasons why the Obama presidency’s outlook is getting significantly worse, not better:

1. A new Gallup poll suggests the November mid-terms could result
in the biggest victory for Republicans in the House since 1894

2. The Senate now hangs in the balance

3. The economic figures are grim

4. A quarter of Democrats have turned against the president
…nearly 25 percent of Democrats now believe “a return to Bush’s policies would be good,”

5. George W. Bush is now as popular as President Obama

Read about it with the details here:

Jefferson and the TEA Party

If Democrats and Republicans were ever truly interested in finding common
ground, a good place to start might be with Thomas Jefferson, who was the
co-founder of the fortuitously named Democratic-Republican Party.

Today’s Democrats traditionally hold themselves to be the lineal
descendants of Jefferson’s party, which was seen as the common man’s advocate as opposed to the Federalists, who favored consolidated power and a national bank.

Today’s Republicans, on the other hand, find themselves sympathetic
to Jefferson’s defense of individual and states’ rights, even though it was
their “founder” Lincoln who created the modern system of a centralized
government where more and more power has been federalized.
It may be the Tea Party movement which encapsulates Jefferson’s philosophy best in the modern era.

Like the Democrats, it sees itself as the advocate of the everyday American.
Like the Republicans, it promotes individual rights above all. And unlike both
of them, the Tea Party movement stands with Jefferson in opposition to big
government and centralized control over individual decisions.

Some good things to think about.

Democrats must make a choice.

This is an interesting look at what the Democrats face. The author Walter Russell Mead is distinguished scholar who tilts to the right, but is analysis is one that deserves inspection by those on the left.

In the new century that is no longer true. Voters are as worried about
the future as they were in 1934. They are as angry at Wall Street and at
inequality as they were back then. But a crucial segment of THE VOTING PUBLIC NO LONGER THINKS THAT THE DEMOCRATS ARE PART OF THE SOLUTION. The public is losing confidence in the ability of Democrats to solve the kind of problems they once trusted Democrats to solve. The latest Gallup poll shows that an eye-popping 54% OF LIKELY VOTERS POLLED IDENTIFIED THEMSELVES AS “CONSERVATIVE,” WHILE ONLY 18% EMBRACED THE LIBERAL LABEL. ……

The multiplier effect of government spending is weaker than it used
to be. Worse, the DISASTROUS GROWTH OF PUBLIC SECTOR LABOR UNIONS and years of political pandering by shortsighted and selfish politicians have made government a much less effective tool than it used to be. Per-pupil spending no longer bears much relationship to educational outcomes; if we double spending on teacher salaries we are not likely to double, or perhaps even to improve, educational standards. The extraordinary cost of government in union-dominated, politically dysfunctional states like California, New York and Illinois imposes crippling tax burdens on local economies. Firing state employees and slashing the wages and pensions of those who remain will do more for these states, sadly, than bulking up state spending on exciting new programs.

The most conservative electorate in decades?

Here are a few numbers that help explain why Senate Democrat Russ
Feingold has trailed in every public poll this fall. They show the political
leanings of likely voters in a recent statewide survey by Marist:

Liberals: 20%
Moderates: 33%
Conservatives: 47%

In other words, self-identified conservatives in this random sample
of likely voters outnumbered moderates by 14 points and liberals by 27 points.

What’s striking about these “likely voters” is not just that how
conservative they are. It’s how much more conservative they are than the actual
Wisconsin electorate of recent years (I’ll have a broader story on this subject
in Monday’s Journal Sentinel).

This isn’t just Wisconsin, it’s happening around the country. Since 2008 Likely voters in Wisconsin have gone from 31% to 47%.

10 Ways Things Will Change in 10 Years:

1. India will have surpassed China as the most populous country in the
world; China’s one-child per family policy being the factor.

2. The price for California homes will be more than doubled at all
price levels. There will be two years of deflation followed by eight years of
inflation. And, California is the best place to live.

To keep reading go to:

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