Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ryan and the Democrats

What’s New Today

Story # 1thru #3 are today’s signs of desperation.  #4 through #6 is the reaction of the right to Paul Ryan’s elevation to the VP.  Finally #7 compares President Obama to Dr. Kevorkian in the area of job creation.  

Today’s Thoughts

Mickey Klaus:  “I had some serious doubts about Mitt Romney’s ad attacking Obama’s welfare ‘waivers’ — until I read the New York Times editorial denouncing it. Now I know Romney’s ad isn’t as accurate as I’d thought. It’s much more accurate.”

Ryan Announcement:  Joe Biden must be quaking in his boots. People forget the fact, and though reporting by the establishment media disguised it at the time, Sarah Palin knocked Biden around the ring in the 2008 debate.  Ryan is very well-informed and highly fluent — the debating opponent from hell.   Joe will be shown to be the lightweight that he is. 

1.  Signs of Desperation

Gallup's latest results,  polled between Tuesday and Thursday, days dominated by the controversy over the "cancer" ad show Obama's approval ratings moving down 3 points and his disapproval rating moving up 3. 51% of voters now disapprove of Obama and only 43% approve. Romney's support edged up 1. Gallup shows the race tied at 46%.

A six-point swing in approval ratings is pretty significant in a moving average. Rasmussen also showed Romney gaining strength mid-week, moving into a 4 point lead over Obama. This is significant, because they are the only two pollsters who were polling throughout the controversy...

The problem with a slime the other guy campaign is that you go too far and people start to notice.   Obama’s in big trouble. 

2.  Signs of Desperation update

President Barack Obama‘s campaign resorted to truth-telling Aug. 9 as it sought to calm the uproar caused by its support for a controversial attack ad that suggested Gov. Mitt Romney had caused a person’s death by cancer.

Spokeswoman Jan Psaki admitted Aug. 9 that Obama’s campaign had used misleading comments from Joe Soptic, a former union organizer at GST Steel, after she had denied any connection to Soptic.
The controversy over Soptic’s comments had put the campaign on the defensive, fired up Romney’s stump speeches and obscured valuable coverage of the president’s two-day tour through Colorado.
Soptic, via an Obama campaign slideshow and a controversial video broadcast by the Obama-allied Priorities USA super PAC, had suggested that Romney was responsible for his wife’s sudden death from cancer.

Her death came five years after Bain shut down the money-losing, low-tech steel-company, and seven years after Romney left Bain to manage the 2002 Winter Olympics.
Soptic’s wife had health insurance after GST was closed down….

You know Obama’s in trouble when the have to resort to the truth.

3.  Signs of Desperation part 3

Watch the video here of Ryan taking Obama apart on Obamacare.  

Democrats should be very nervous. 

4.  Romney’s Gutsy Choice

Mitt Romney did something that a lot of supposed wise men said he wouldn’t — pick a vice presidential candidate who is more charismatic than he. In choosing Paul Ryan, Romney took the risk he would be outshone, but he did America a favor. He selected the brightest young politician we have.

He also underscored his best line of the campaign so far, “It’s the economy – and we’re not stupid!” No one in Congress has thought more creatively or acted with more determination to solve the great economic problems we face than Ryan. He has virtually stood alone among higher elected officials in the battle for serious entitlement reform, being criticized by none other than Newt Gingrich for recommending remedies that were, if anything, too mild for the monumental fiscal crisis confronting us. But at least Ryan has tried to do something about it. Few others have had the courage to attempt it.

Through nominating Ryan, Romney has signaled that his campaign is going to be about the economy, the economy, and, yes, you guessed it, the economy (with healthcare thrown in as an aspect of the economy). It is not going to be about immigration, marriage, the legalization of marijuana, whether candidates cause cancer, who has a dog on his car, or even who was born where. It’s going to be about the one thing America is obsessed with, the one thing that if we don’t correct nothing else is possible…. Okay, I won’t say it again, but you certainly know….

I’m sure the democrats are looking at this as possibly good for them.  It gives them a target which they can lie about.  However, that target is all about the economy which is something they don’t really want to talk about.  It appears Romney has decided to pick up the can rather than kick it down the road.

5.  Ryan – the Democrats worst nightmare

 Mitt Romney has gone for the gold with his choice of Paul Ryan as running mate. The combined IQ of the two men on the ticket is probably higher than that of any other ticket in American history.  But IQ alone doesn't win elections, and Ryan has formidable political skills that meet the needs of a campaign that sometimes lacks a little fire.

Ryan won his seat in southern Wisconsin from a Democrat, and has held it for several terms. His mastery of the federal budget is legendary, and he has a plan, while Obama does not, to rescue the nation's finances.

We all remember the disgusting television ad showing a Ryan lookalike pushing a granny over a cliff. Rather than indicating Democrat strength, that approach indicates weakness. The Obama campaign is rapidly building a reputation for bullying, and even if some of the images of Romney as a murderer temporarily saw some voters, there is ample time to get serious and turn the smears against the Chicago gang.

The American voters are going to be focused on this election, and Ryan is an ideal attack dog (the traditional role of a veep nominee) to go after the many failings of the Obama administration with facts, figures, reason, and a smile.

Ryan can also help with Midwestern swing states, for he exemplifies characteristics in which Midwesterners take pride. He will help in Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, and Michigan, at a minimum, all potential swing  states…

It appears we have an election featuring the geeks against the “cool” guys.  The problem the “cool” guys have is that other than being cool, they don’t have a clue what to do. 

6.  Smart Democrats are worried

Liberal pundits are already fanning out in force to attack and discredit Paul Ryan. Michael Tomasky, who recently wrote a Newsweek cover story calling Mitt Romney a “wimp,” has now decided that Romney’s bold move is “a terrible choice” because Ryan has proven himself to be an extremist on budget issues.

No doubt there are many Democrats rubbing their hands in glee in contemplation of reviving some version of the ad that featured an actor playing Paul Ryan pushing a grandmother in a wheelchair off a cliff. But the smarter ones are worried.

First, if Ryan is an extremist and his proposals are so unpopular, how has he won election seven times in a Democratic district? His lowest share of the vote was 57 percent — in his first race. He routinely wins over two-thirds of the vote. When Obama swept the nation in 2008, he carried Ryan’s district by ten points. But at the same time, Ryan won reelection with 65 percent of the vote, meaning that a fifth of Obama voters also voted for him.

Ryan has pointed out to me that no Republican has carried his district for president since Ronald Reagan in 1984. “I have held hundreds of town-hall meetings in my district explaining why we have to take bold reform steps, and I’ve found treating people like adults works,” he told me. “All those ads pushing elderly woman off the cliffs don’t work anymore if you lay out the problem.”

Second, Democrats know that Ryan has Reaganesque qualities that make him appealing to independent, middle-class voters. Take the cover story on Ryan that the Isthmus, a radically left-wing Madison, Wis. newspaper, ran on him in 2009. “Ryan, with his sunny disposition and choirboy looks, projects compassion and forcefully proclaims dedication to his district,” the story reported. “And he’s proved he is not unyieldingly pro-corporate, as when he recently joined in condemnation of AIG ‘retention’ bonuses.”

Third, Ryan’s ideas aren’t that novel or scary. The idea of “premium support” for Medicare, which would change the program’s one-size-fits-all policy to a private-insurance model with public options, was endorsed by a bipartisan commission appointed by Bill Clinton back in the 1990s…

Ryan seems to be a good choice for Romney.  It appears the Republicans are serious while the Democrats are working on a crybaby tactic. 

7.  Obama:  The Doctor Kevorkian of Job Creation
So abysmal is the president's job-creation record that, according to a new study, he'd have to create 280,000 every month just to get out of the cellar among modern presidents. Where are the jobs?
Presidents actually don't create jobs, but their policies and programs can stand in the way of those who do. According to a chart produced using figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and compiled by the good folks at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, President Obama has made even former President Jimmy Carter look like Adam Smith.

The chart shows the total job growth during the tenure of each president since 1945 and the ending unemployment rate. Listed first is Bill Clinton, credited with creating 22.6 million jobs during his two terms, a time when Republicans took control of the House for the first time in four decades, helping to balance four budgets and passing welfare reform.

Listed second is Ronald Reagan, credited with creating 16.1 million jobs. After inheriting a genuine mess from Jimmy Carter that included inflation raging at 12.5%, policies like across-the-board tax cuts and oil-price deregulation, and policies that helped create the "dot-com" tech boom that fed Clinton's numbers, inflation was a paltry 4.4% when he left….

More disaster with a graph like this for the Obama team.  Obama can make excuses, but facts are facts even if you don’t like them. 

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