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Look and see where the money is |
The problem with rich people (or, more properly high income earners) is that there aren't enough of them. Upper-income taxpayers are already paying around double their fair (pro rata) share of federal income taxes on the average, and there simply aren't enough dollars at the high end to pay for the Democrats' spending spree, even if the Dems try to steal them all. THE ONLY WAY TO BALANCE THE BUDGET THROUGH TAX INCREASES IS BY GOING WHERE MOST OF THE MONEY IS--THE $50,000 TO $500,000 ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME RANGE.http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2011/04/028846.php
Of course Obama and the Democrats know this, but won’t admit it when it comes to telling the American people what they are really planning to do.
More Politicalization at the Holder DOJ
….Last Thursday I reported on an interview I conducted with a top DOJ official who said that THE PENDING INDICTMENTS OF SEVERAL PROMINENT LEADERS OF ISLAMIC ORGANIZATIONS CLOSE TO THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION, including one of the co-founders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Omar Ahmad, on charges of material support for the terrorist group Hamas WERE SCUTTLED TO AVOID EMBARRASSING THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION AND TO AVOID INFLAMING THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY. My source cited a March 31, 2010, internal DOJ memo from Assistant Attorney General David Kris to Acting Deputy Attorney General Gary Grindler effectively dropping the prosecution of Ahmad.
When I contacted the Department of Justice National Security Division, public affairs representative Dean Boyd refused to provide me a copy of the memo and declined to comment on the matter. Boyd directed me to submit a FOIA for the information.
But now House Homeland Security Committee chairman REP. PETER KING (R-NY) HAS SENT A LETTER TO ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER INQUIRING ABOUT THE DETAILS OF OUR REPORT. In the letter dated Friday, April 15, King asks for Holder’s reasons for dropping these terror finance prosecutions.
In his letter, he goes beyond my own reporting and states that THE DOJ DECISION WAS MADE:
….That’s right. The excuse they are currently floating to their friends in the establishment media to explain the decision not to prosecute CAIR officials and the other Islamic leaders implicated in the Holy Land Foundation case (all of whom had been named unindicted co-conspirators) is that THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION CHOSE NOT TO PROSECUTE THEM IN 2004 AND THEY WERE JUST REAFFIRMING WHAT JOHN ASHCROFT HAD DECIDED WAY BACK WHEN.
So once again, “It’s Bush’s fault.” For all the things Bush did wrong that the Democrats ran against during the last presidential election cycle, this administration seems to have kept most of them.
Where’s the service in public service?
Instead of government employees serving the public, it’s clear now their belief is that the public exists to serve them. And IF THE PUBLIC DOESN’T STEP UP, THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY.
Why else would a government union president threaten to “weaponize” the jobs of his members? At the latest union protest in Lansing, Michigan, AFSCME president HERB SANDERS EXPLAINED TO THE LANSING STATE JOURNAL:
Before they try this they might want to talk to some of the former Air Traffic Controllers who were fired in the 1980s.
Obama’s birth certificate: Is he hiding something?
With Donald Trump's headline-grabbing call for our President to release his birth certificate, more and more people are discussing the circumstances of Obama's birth. ALTHOUGH IT SEEMS LIKELY THAT OBAMA IS HIDING SOMETHING -- THE DATE OF BIRTH, THE PLACE, THE FATHER -- IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY THAT HE IS CONCEALING A KENYAN NATIVITY.
The President's mother, Ann Dunham and father, Barack Obama, Sr., supposedly met in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii. The time was late September, 1960. For the official birth date of August 4, 1961 to work, and assuming that Ann carried her baby for a full term, she would have to have been impregnated sometime in mid November, 1960….
There’s not much chance that Obama was born in Kenya. I agree with that. However I also agree with the author when he said, “it seems likely that Obama is hiding something…”
TEA Party books
TODAY HARPERCOLLINS’S CONSERVATIVE IMPRINT, BROADSIDE BOOKS, LAUNCHES A SERIES OF E-BOOKS WRITTEN BY AND IN THE SPIRIT OF THE TEA PARTY MOVEMENT. “VOICES OF THE TEA PARTY” includes First Do No Harm: The President’s Cousin Explains Why His Hippocratic Oath Requires Him to Oppose ObamaCare, by Milton Wolf; Community Organizing for Conservatives: A Manifesto for Localism in the Tea Party Movement, by Lorie Medina; and The Battle for Virginia’s 5th District: How the Ancestral Spirit of Patrick Henry Inspired Me to Join the Tea Party, by Mark Kevin Lloyd, all pamphlet-length. The series also has an interactive website and invitation to Tea Party activists: Submit your 5,000-7,000-word essay and yours, too, may be published by HarperCollins.
There will be more “Voices” in six weeks, and another series, “Voices of the Hollywood Right,” too, to come.
As the left tries to castigate the TEA Party, their influence can be seen in the discussion about the debt. They were demonstrating about it two years ago.
A Little Bit More on the Ryan Plan
In his anti-Paul Ryan speech last week, President Obama accused the congressman of seeking to make “kids with disabilities. . . . fend for themselves.” WHAT’S THE THEORY HERE? THAT PEOPLE ARE SO SYMPATHETIC TO DISABLED KIDS THAT USING THEM TO ATTACK THE PLAN WILL CHANGE PUBLIC OPINION, BUT SO UNSYMPATHETIC THAT THEY’LL BE THE FIRST ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK when state governments make Medicaid-budgeting decisions?http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/265071/little-bit-more-ryan-plan-ramesh-ponnuru
….As Michael Crowley notes, liberals have rational grounds to reject the Ryan plan. Of course they prefer an alternative with more taxes and more spending. But WE’RE STILL, MOSTLY, IN THE CHEAP-SHOT AND WEAK-LOGIC STAGE OF THIS DEBATE.
Despite the cheap-shot and weak logic stage of the debate, at least we are having the debate in no small part due to the TEA Party
Can we believe anything Obama says for the next 19 months?
Barack Obama in Annandale VA. “REMEMBER WHEN THAT BRIDGE IN MINNESOTA COLLAPSED WITH ALL THOSE PEOPLE ON IT? And there was a big hue and cry, “How can this happen in America?” Well, the National Society of Engineers — they looked around and THEY GIVE US A D WHEN IT COMES TO INFRASTRUCTURE.”.
THE BRIDGE COLLAPSE OCCURRED BECAUSE OF A DESIGN DEFECT, A CONCLUSION REACHED BY THE NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD. The bridge was designed and built in an era when engineers thought that redundant systems were both unnecessary and inefficient. Gusset plates installed at the time of the bridge’s building were too thin, and without any redundancy to account for a major failure on a single point, IT WAS A TRAGEDY WAITING TO HAPPEN FROM DAY 1. It had nothing to do with any lack of maintenance, AND IN FACT COLLAPSED BECAUSE OF SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE TO THE DECK THAT INADVERTENTLY DESTABILIZED IT TO THE POINT OF COLLAPSE.
It’s dishonest in the extreme to use this tragedy as an argument that we neglected our infrastructure, and ghoulish to use the dead for a false political point. OBAMA SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF
It’s the silly season.
The Libyan intervention is not wholly legal
That’s my argument in a new article for The Daily Caller. As I’ve previously explained, I strongly support the use of force against the Gaddafi tyranny. Indeed, I wish that President Obama were not so half-hearted in taking action to remove Gaddafi. However, THE WAR AGAINST THE LIBYAN DICTATOR STILL NEEDS TO BE VOTED ON BY CONGRESS, just as President Jefferson asked Congress for permission regarding the First Barbary War.
The left moans that Bush lied to get congress to go along with his Iraq War, yet this administration doesn’t seem to even take the time or trouble to get congress to go along as the Constitution requires.
CNN Poll: Support for increased offshore oil drilling on rise
One year after the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, SUPPORT FOR OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING HAS REBOUNDED DESPITE CONCERNS THAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CANNOT PREVENT ANOTHER MASSIVE OIL SPILL, according to a new national poll.http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/04/19/cnn-poll-support-for-increased-offshore-oil-drilling-on-rise/
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Tuesday indicates that 69 PERCENT OF AMERICANS FAVOR INCREASED OFFSHORE DRILLING, WITH JUST OVER THREE IN TEN OPPOSED. That 69 percent is up 20 points from last June, while the oil spill was still in progress, and is back to the level of support seen in the summer of 2008.
Since we aren’t drilling, we must be suffering from the tyranny of the minority.
Disclosure Delayed Is Justice Denied
The judge who threw out Prop 8 should have been disqualified.http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/265066/disclosure-delayed-justice-denied-ed-whelan?page=1
Two weeks ago, former federal district judge VAUGHN WALKER, WHO RULED LAST SUMMER IN PERRY V. SCHWARZENEGGER THAT CALIFORNIA’S PROPOSITION 8 IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, PUBLICLY DISCLOSED FOR THE FIRST TIME THAT HE HAS BEEN IN A SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIP FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS. A straightforward application of the judicial ethics rules compels the conclusion that Walker should have recused himself from taking part in the Perry case. Further, under well-established Supreme Court precedent, the remedy of vacating Walker’s judgment is timely and necessary.
Let’s begin with the relevant facts that bear on the recusal question….
Obama’s approval among Hispanic at all time low
This was only the third week during Obama’s presidency that his job approval among his Hispanics has been lower than 50 percent. The previous two occasions were Sept. 20-26, 2010, when Obama’s approval dropped to 49 percent among Hispanics, and the week of July 26-Aug.1, 2010, when it dropped to 48 percent.
OBAMA’S APPROVAL AMONG HISPANICS PEAKED AT 85 PERCENT--a level it attained in the week of April 20-26, 2009 and again in the week of May 11-17, 2009.
Obama can’t afford to lose the Hispanic vote. He’ll need them big time in 2012.
Glass-Like Solar Cells Set Stage for Power-Producing Windows
…Add this to the growing list of promising innovations in solar energy: PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS THAT CAPTURE ENERGY FROM SUNLIGHT BUT WITHOUT CHANGING THE WAY SUNLIGHT APPEARS TO THE NAKED HUMAN EYE. The kicker: you can paint these virtually invisible cells on everyday window panes used in everyday homes and everyday buildings..
Coated onto a pane of standard window glass, a potentially revolutionary photovoltaic technology DEVELOPED BY RESEARCHERS AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY uses organic molecules to capture the energy of infrared light without blocking the flow of light. The technology may one day turn everyday wind panes into a source of electric power. More importantly, IT MAY BE CHEAP ENOUGH FOR PEOPLE TO ACTUALLY USE THESE POWER-PRODUCING WINDOWS.
I’m a big fan of research and development on solar. This looks very interesting.
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