In response to the question, "Do you think the Democratic party should renominate Barack Obama as the party's candidate for president in 2012, or do you think the Democratic party should nominate a different candidate for president in 2012?" -- 72 percent said they wanted to see Obama renominated. But 27 percent, slightly more than one in every four, said they wanted to see Democrats nominate a different candidate. One percent had no opinion.
The poll was taken August 24-25. In a survey taken in early August, 28 percent of Democrats said they wanted a different candidate. POLLS TAKEN IN JULY AND BEFORE SHOWED OBAMA IN A STRONGER POSITION, WITH NO MORE THAN 22 PERCENT SAYING THEY PREFERRED A DIFFERENT CANDIDATE. The current poll is based on interviews with 463 Democrats and has a margin of error of 4.5 percent.
An interesting poll, but there is no way for the Democrats to dump Obama. Its long term affect on their hold on the black community would preclude that.
Where are the Jobs from the Stimulus?
….OBAMA TELLS US HIS STIMULUS PLAN WAS A BRILLIANT SUCCESS. Yes, it plunged us into economy-destroying debt and deficit. THE ALTERNATIVE WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE, WE ARE TOLD. All three of my friends and family in financial straits are loyal Democrats, and they believe him. "OBAMA CREATED 2.5 MILLION JOBS," MY UNDEREMPLOYED FRIEND TELLS ME. "WITHOUT HIS POLICIES, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN MUCH WORSE."
"What are the jobs?" I asked him. Neither one of us had a clue.
We sat down together at the internet and did a Google search, 'stimulus job creation.'
WE FOUND OUT WHERE THE NUMBER 2.5 MILLION JOBS' CREATED OR SAVED' COMES FROM. IT COMES FROM A FORMULA. The formula comes from a theory. The formula says that for every dollar the government spends, 1.5 dollars' worth of economic activity is generated, and presto, jobs come out. The economic geniuses working for Obama want us to believe that by definition, since they spent almost a trillion dollars in 'stimulus', they automatically created 2.4 million jobs. This is called the multiplier effect.
The basic idea was that if the federal government prints and borrows money and sends it out, it will be spent, trickle through our economy, saving and creating unknown jobs as it goes. IT'S TRICKLE-DOWN ECONOMICS, OBAMA-STYLE. The benefit is temporary, because the government has to pay back its debt sometime, or collapse. Reagan's trickle-down economics turned on a spigot of private enterprise productivity and wealth creation, while Obama has created an ocean of debt….
I do believe the Left’s religion is progressivism. They cling to this jobs number like it is Holy Scripture and in a way it is. It only exists on paper.
Liberals biggest Fear
… THE TIPPING POINT PROVOKING THE LIBS' WORST NIGHTMARE WAS CONTAINED IN RICK PERRY'S SPEECH ANNOUNCING HIS CANDIDACY TO BE THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT. Perry proclaimed his mission was not to make government more accountable, effective, or efficient -- that's standard issue bromide from populist reformers. NO, PERRY WAS BOLD ENOUGH, AND AS HIS CRITICS WILL ASSERT RECKLESS, TO SUGGEST GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE IRRELEVANT -- his words "as inconsequential to your lives as possible." This may be the most radical anti-government posture since Calvin Coolidge, leaning on the likes of Lord Acton:
There are many things the government can't do, many good purposes it must renounce. It must leave them to the enterprise of others. It cannot feed the people. It cannot enrich the people. It cannot teach the people.
THE LIBERAL PRESS ARE FRIGHTENED OUT OF THEIR WITS. Whether Perry is an authentic purebred limited government advocate may be debatable. No matter, he's close enough.
Perry's credibility as a governor, his disdain for Washington, his unapologetic and outspoken defense of conservative principles, his jobs and business climate record, all despite occasional lapses and rhetorical excesses -- in short HIS POPULARITY AND SUBSTANCE OVERCOMING HIS DEFECTS -- MAKE HIM THE CANDIDATE THE DEMS FEAR MOST. PERRY, MORE RUTHLESS, PRAGMATIC, AND PLAIN SPOKEN THAN ANY OF HIS RIVALS IS THE MOST LIKELY TO LEAD THE COMING DISMANTLING OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MONSTROSITY….
Watch the attacks come from everyone on the left. They are truly frightened. Not only is this not John Huntsman, this isn’t even Mitt Romney.
Obamanomics 44%
Two polls are out today that give a glimpse of what the 2012 presidential election results may be. (Hint, this is not good news if your name is Arack-bay Obama-hay.) FIRST, A CNN POLL GAVE RICK PERRY A 13-POINT FOR THE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION. THE SECOND POLL SHOWED A 15-POINT DROP IN CONSUMER CONFIDENCE IN THE LAST MONTH ALONE — as it dropped to its lowest point since April 2009, when we were in a recession. Flop sweat time has arrived in the White House.
From Tyler Durden: “The Is The Way The Hopium Ends: Not With A Bang, But With The Biggest Collapse In Future Consumer Expectations… Ever.”
From Reuters: “U.S. consumer confidence crumbled in August to its lowest level in more than two years as the fallout from political wrangling over a budget deal took its toll, according to a private sector report released Tuesday. THE CONFERENCE BOARD, AN INDUSTRY GROUP, SAID ITS INDEX OF CONSUMER ATTITUDES SANK TO 44.5 FROM A DOWNWARDLY REVISED 59.2 THE MONTH BEFORE. The index was well off a poll of economists by Reuters for a reading of 52.0. The index was at the lowest level since April 2009, the report said. July was originally reported as 59.5.”
Once again, economists got it wrong. They expected 52, it came in at 44.5 — when ANYTHING BELOW 50 MEANS WE ARE HEADED FOR A RECESSION....
Obama is toast.
A Vineyard Too Far
By Sunday afternoon, the GALLUP TRACKING POLL SHOWED A 17-POINT SPREAD IN THE PRESIDENT’S APPROVAL RATING — 38 PERCENT APPROVAL TO 55 PERCENT DISAPPROVAL. Such polls are fickle and can go up and down quickly, often depending on unwarranted and unfair perceptions and media hype, hinging on everything from hurricanes to killing bin Laden. That said, these recent abysmal numbers might suggest that for the first time, a considerable number of AMERICANS IS STARTING TO BE TURNED OFF NOT JUST BY BARACK OBAMA’S ECONOMIC POLICIES, BUT BY BARACK OBAMA HIMSELF. But why now?
THE PRESIDENT’S LATEST MARTHA’S VINEYARD VACATION WAS A PUBLIC-RELATIONS DISASTER, wholly unnecessary, and in part responsible for Obama’s most recent slide in the polls. Part of the problem was purely coincidental and no one’s fault: Who could have expected that while the president of the United States was resting on an exclusive private beach on a tony island on a calm August day, millions of Eastern Seaboarders around him would be engaged in a media-driven frenzy of emergency preparation and evacuation?
Yet most of the negative perception was the president’s own doing. FOR NEARLY THREE YEARS, THERE HAS BEEN SOMETHING STRANGE ABOUT THE FIRST FAMILY’S RITZY GETAWAY TASTES. THE ANNUAL MARTHA’S VINEYARD RENTALS WERE BOOKENDED BY FIRST FAMILY JUNKETS TO VAIL, COSTA DEL SOL, AND HAWAII. The choice of venues spawned at least three problems for the president that have nothing to do with the First Family’s right, and indeed duty, to enjoy a little well-earned vacation time — or with the fact that other presidents have vacationed in nice places.
Is Obama elitist? Of course he is.
Berkshire Hathaway Hasn’t Paid Its Taxes
Ironic, isn’t it? When Warren Buffett PENNED THAT OP-ED DEMANDING HE BE TAXED MORE, we assumed that meant he had actually paid his taxes. Not quite the case. Buffett’s famed company, Berkshire Hathaway, owes taxes that are nearly a decade old.
Oh, and they’re not denying it. BERKSHIRE IS FREELY OWNING UP TO THE FACT THAT IT OWES TAXES FROM AS FAR BACK AS 2002. Right now, it looks like there are outstanding taxes from 2002-2004 as well as from 2005-2009. They promise they’ll work it out with the IRS within the next year. Can’t Buffett just take a little out of his piggybank and pay up? For a man who so actively preaches honesty and integrity, we’re a little baffled as to why Berkshire won’t just fork over what it owes.
Well that answers the question of why he doesn’t just write a check to the government beyond what he owes. He’s not writing a check for what he actually owes.
New Mexico Governor Rushes to Undo the Agenda of Her Predecessor
“Last year, when I was running for governor, I not only promised taxpayers that I would not use this state jet as a personal air taxi, I promised New Mexicans across the state that I would get rid of this symbol of greed and excess in state government,” she said at a news conference on Thursday, with Richard and Linda Felland, the new owners of the plane, a 2005 Cessna Citation Bravo, by her side.
Read the article if you want to see what Governor Martinez is doing to change New Mexico. She is conservative but also a populist (the left’s worst nightmare).
What’s the Left Got Against the TEA Party?
Members of the black caucus are on a mission, a mission of making themselves completely irrelevant. And I must give them credit; they are doing a masterful job of it. I'm sure you've already heard THE ALWAYS DELIGHTFUL CONGRESSWOMAN MAXINE WATERS' (D-CALIF.) INSIGHTFUL COMMENTS CONCERNING THE TEA PARTY, WHERE SHE INVITES THEM TO 'GO TO HELL'. And not to be outdone in the arena of well thought out debate, we find CONGRESSWOMAN FREDERICA WILSON (D-FLA.) INDICATING TO HER CONSTITUENTS IN MIAMI THAT THE 'REAL ENEMY' IS (YOU GUESSED IT) THE TEA PARTY AGAIN.
And these are just a few of our esteemed members of congress who hold this view of the tea party. Now, I AM NOT ONE TO SHIRK AN ARGUMENT, BUT IF ALL THE OTHER SIDE HAS IS NAME CALLING AND DISPARAGING REMARKS THERE IS NO DISCUSSION TO BE HAD. That being said, the issue these folks have with the tea party goes much deeper that a difference of opinion. In fact it goes to the core of the liberal's power base. IF THE TEA PARTY SUCCEEDS IN REDUCING THE LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT IN EVERYONE'S LIVES, THEN THE GAME IS TRULY UP FOR WATERS AND HER ILK.
Why? Simple, she and HER CONSTITUENTS HAVE ENJOYED UNLIMITED ACCESS TO THE TREASURY FOR OVER FORTY YEARS WITHOUT HAVING TO PARTICIPATE FULLY IN THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. And now, here comes these dastardly tea partiers trying to upset the gravy train. Unbelievably to the liberal side of the aisle, the tea party can't be bought off. No, THEY DO NOT WANT ACCESS TO THE TREASURY; THEY SIMPLY WANT TO KEEP SOME OF WHAT THEY EARN….
And these are just a few of our esteemed members of congress who hold this view of the tea party. Now, I AM NOT ONE TO SHIRK AN ARGUMENT, BUT IF ALL THE OTHER SIDE HAS IS NAME CALLING AND DISPARAGING REMARKS THERE IS NO DISCUSSION TO BE HAD. That being said, the issue these folks have with the tea party goes much deeper that a difference of opinion. In fact it goes to the core of the liberal's power base. IF THE TEA PARTY SUCCEEDS IN REDUCING THE LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT IN EVERYONE'S LIVES, THEN THE GAME IS TRULY UP FOR WATERS AND HER ILK.
Why? Simple, she and HER CONSTITUENTS HAVE ENJOYED UNLIMITED ACCESS TO THE TREASURY FOR OVER FORTY YEARS WITHOUT HAVING TO PARTICIPATE FULLY IN THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. And now, here comes these dastardly tea partiers trying to upset the gravy train. Unbelievably to the liberal side of the aisle, the tea party can't be bought off. No, THEY DO NOT WANT ACCESS TO THE TREASURY; THEY SIMPLY WANT TO KEEP SOME OF WHAT THEY EARN….
In the movie, Braveheart, Mel Gibson’s character, William Wallace, is approached by the princess of England, Isabella, and offered gold and a title to desist in his crusade against Longshanks. She tells him “This is the way peace is made.” He responds angrily, “Slaves are made in such ways.” This is the problem the Democrats have with the TEA party. They can’t be bought off because they know “Slaves are made in such ways.”
Another Anti-Science Move By The Left
....Johnson, professor of applied mathematics at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, had been asked by the SOCIÉTÉ EUROPÉENNE DES INGÉNIEURS ET INDUSTRIELS (European Society of Engineers and Industrialists) to participate (along with Fred Singer) in discussions on climate science in Brussels Sept 1-2.
SPOOKED, AN IPCC HIGHER-UP INTERVENED AND CANCELLED THE DISCUSSION – obviously too much scientific dissent over a science that can no longer take it.
Johnson got the following letter from the SEII dated August 20 signaling a coming invitation:
SEII (Société Européenne des Ingénieurs et Industriels, Prof Henri Masson) organizes a conference for Fred Singer and Claes Johnson at the Fondation Universitaire in Brussels on September 1, at 18.00 h. Official invitation from SEII follows by E-mail.
The next day 2 September there will be a workshop with some of our Think Tank. Our preliminary programme looks as follows:
- 18.15 S. Fred Singer: What is new in climate change?
- 19.00 Claes Johnson: Blackbody radiation and Climate Thermodynamics
- 19.45 to 20.30: Questions and Answers”
BUT FOR JOHNSON, THE INVITATION NEVER CAME. Instead a letter (written in French) was sent August 22 by IPCC Vice Chair Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, who is also a member of the Belgium Royal Academy, was sent to the Fondation Universitaire.
The left likes to think they are pro-science and the right is anti-science. However, free debate is a hallmark of science. Look at the left in this regard. From Al Gore calling skeptics points bull shit, to James Hansen looking for industrialists to be put on trial, the left is rabidly anti-science when it comes to the Climate.
Wind farms under fire for bird kills
…SIX BIRDS FOUND DEAD RECENTLY IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA’S TEHACHAPI MOUNTAINS WERE MAJESTIC GOLDEN EAGLES. But some bird watchers say that in an area where dozens of wind turbines slice the air they were also sitting ducks.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is investigating to determine what killed the big raptors, and declined to divulge the conditions of the remains. But THE LIKELY CAUSE OF DEATH IS NO MYSTERY TO WILDLIFE BIOLOGISTS WHO SAY THEY WERE PROBABLY CLIPPED BY THE BLADES OF SOME OF THE 80 WIND TURBINES AT THE THREE-YEAR-OLD PINE TREE WIND FARM PROJECT, operated by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
As the Obama administration pushes to develop enough wind power to provide 20 percent of America’s energy by 2030, some bird advocates worry that the grim discovery of the eagles this month will be a far more common occurrence.
WINDMILLS KILL NEARLY HALF A MILLION BIRDS A YEAR, ACCORDING TO A FISH AND WILDLIFE ESTIMATE. The American Bird Conservancy projected that the number could more than double in 20 years if the administration realizes its goal for wind power….
Can you imagine the uproar if it were a mine or an oilfield that killed six golden eagles?