What’s New Today
Story #1 is
today’s sign of desperation from the Obama Campaign. #2 is another example of desperation. #3 Obama's claim to fame. #4 New Romney Ad, #5 looks at 10 things Liberals misunderstand, #6 Liberal fascism is on display with Chick-fil-A. #7 questions if Obama is at his peak now in the polls, #8 is about the Republicans the Democrats fear most, and #9 looks at leftist thuggery in our schools.
“I wish you to be successful,
because this success is needed to the United States, of course, but to Europe
and the rest of the world, too,” Walesa
told Romney at the end of their meeting Monday. “Gov. Romney, get your success — be successful!” In the meantime, Obama has a similar endorsement from Castro’s daughter and Hugo Chavez.
What in the world did Obama mean when he said, "I believe that the way you grow the
economy is from the middle out. I believe in fighting for the middle class
because if they're prospering all of us will prosper"? I
doubt he knows.
“It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s
just that they know so many things that
aren’t so.” —Ronald Reagan
1. Signs of Desperation
President Obama’s political fate could be sealed by
mid-August, when the Olympic games end,
according to the latest urgent
fundraising plea from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).
“In 100 days, voters nationwide will
pull the lever for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney,” wrote Robby Mook, the DCCC
executive director. “But by the time the
Olympic games are over, the outcome could already be decided.”
The London Olympics end on August
12th. “Every time an Ohio or Florida voter turns on their TV, they’re seeing
Republican Super PAC ads trashing President Obama and our Democratic
candidates,” he explained.
Another desperate appeal for money by the Obama Campaign
shows how shameless and desperate the campaign is.
2. Another sign of desperation: Romney’s a Wimp
Rush Limbaugh riffed on the new Newsweek
cover today:
Calling Romney a
wimp is aimed at suppressing the white blue-collar vote. Blue-collar voters hate wimps. You know, the working white
voters that Obama has abandoned, and now whose votes they're trying to suppress, this is all about trying to make
those people think that Romney is a wuss....
Rush goes on to say that if anyone's a
wuss, it's Obama:
We've all seen Obama throw a baseball. He looks
not even as good as an average girl throwing a baseball....
That is: You want to talk about who's
wussiest? We'll crush you. We'll knock you down and cut off your hair...
But what I'd like to say is: Attacking a man as "wussy" is homophobic. Do the Democrats care about gay people or not? The effort to label Romney a "wimp" is a betrayal of liberal values. It's hypocritical.
But what I'd like to say is: Attacking a man as "wussy" is homophobic. Do the Democrats care about gay people or not? The effort to label Romney a "wimp" is a betrayal of liberal values. It's hypocritical.
Another negative attack that will fail. What the left seems incapable of
understanding is that they are at the point where additional accusation sound
shrill and hurt Obama more than Romney.
Obama is losing his likeability and that was pretty much all he had
3. Another reason for Obama to be nervous
..Obama said he was reminded of the
following story involving a young family
that was understandably "very excited" at the mere sight of an
Obama photo:
"This does also remind me of
the season that we’re in. Jim Messina tells this story, my campaign
manager. He was in some event, and this young couple who was there with their
adorable four-year-old son, and I guess there was a picture of me somewhere,
and so they were very excited.
"They said, 'Sammy, who’s
that?' And he said, 'That's Barack
Obama.' 'And what does Barack Obama do?' And the boy thinks for a second
and he says, 'He approves this message.'"
Obama laughed and so did his
wealthy audience. Because its members could afford to hear a different message
straight from the source.
But no one, least of all Barack
Obama, seemed struck by the fact that after all this time and all this money the only thing an
American youngster in 2012 knows about the current President of the United
States is that he approves the message in a political TV ad.
And this oblivious Chicago South Sider finds that worth sharing publicly…
Obama should be worried.
His campaign is spending a lot of money but they aren’t scoring with
their ads. Unfortunately for him, most
people probably only remember that he approved the ad and it was NEGATIVE.
4. New Romney Ad ties into the Olympics
pro-Mitt Romney super PAC Restore Our Future is airing a spot featuring skater Kristi Yamaguchi and others offering
testimonials about the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics that the candidate
A positive commercial well timed with the Summer Olympics
5. 10
Things Liberals Just Don’t Understand
1) Being Open Minded: To a liberal, this has nothing at all to do with seriously
considering other people's ideas. To the contrary, liberals define being "open-minded" as agreeing with them.
What could be more close-minded than assuming that not only are you right, but
that you don't even need to consider another viewpoint because anyone who
disagrees must be evil?
2) Racism: Liberals start with the presumption that only white people who don't belong to the
Democratic Party can be racist. So, for example, even if Jeremiah Wright
can make it clear that he hates white people because of their skin color or if
liberals take an explicitly racist political position, like suggesting that
black people are too stupid and incompetent to get identification to vote, they
can't be racist. White Republicans, on
the other hand, are generally assumed to be racist by default, no matter how
much evidence there is to the contrary.
3) Fairness: In all fairness, I must admit that fairness is an arbitrary
concept. So, you could make the argument that no one could get
"fairness" wrong. Still, liberals do because they don't make any
effort to actually "be fair." As a practical matter, liberals define
"fairness" as taking as much as possible from people who they don't
think are going to vote for them and giving it to people who may vote for them
in return for their ill gotten largesse. Certainly conservatives, libertarians,
and moderates might disagree about how much money to take from the wealthy to
redistribute to the poor or how to help the disadvantaged, but the only liberal answer to the question, "How
much is enough?" is "more."
4) Greed: To a liberal,
believing that you pay too much in taxes or even opposing paying more in taxes
is greedy. In actuality, wanting to loot as much money as possible that
someone else has earned to use for your own purposes, which is what liberals
do, is a much better example of greed.
5) Hate: Liberals often define
simple disagreement with them on issues like gay marriage, tax rates, or
abortion as hatred. No matter how well a position is explained, or the
logical underpinnings behind it, it's chalked up to hate. Meanwhile, the angriest, most vicious, most hateful
people in all of politics are liberals railing against what they say is
"hatred." This irony is completely lost on the Left….
Liberals don’t understand that when they call someone a
bigot they are committing bigotry. They
say being bigoted against bigotry is not bigotry. And they don’t have a clue how ridiculous
they sound.
6. Liberal Fascism
The past two weeks have brought to light a truly disturbing political demonstration — and it has nothing to do with presidential elections or generic congressional ballots. At least three mayors in some of America's largest cities, as well as plenty of other city officials, have publicly demanded political orthodoxy as a condition of doing business in their metropolises. Political correctness has transformed into a strange American version of fascism — over a chicken filet sandwich and an opinion about marriage that even our Democratic president officially held as recently as two months ago.
The story so far: Fast-food outlet Chick-fil-A started operations 45 years ago in the South, and has been expanding ever since. The owners have a well-known and widely publicized commitment to their Christian faith; Chick-fil-A stores remain closed on Sundays to celebrate the Christian Sabbath. Chick-fil-A's mission clearly underscores those values, as well as traditional customer service goals: "To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A."…
…Based on CNN's spin, politicians in several large American cities attempted to disprove Cathy's notion of a free country in which people can operate their businesses regardless of their religion or political point of view. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino sent a letter to Cathy stating that "[t]here is no place for discrimination on Boston's Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it." (Chick-fil-A's website explicitly states that they do not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation in employment or in commerce, by the way.) A few days later, Mernino had to retract that statement after belatedly discovering that mayors and cities can't discriminate on the basis of political or religious belief….
You get a glimpse of what liberalism is really all about with incidents like this. The left, if it could, would take us all into a fascist, totalitarian state. Obama has told business owners that they didn’t build it and they needed to pay it forward. Now we see lower level democratic officials declaring if you disagree with them, you need to go out of business. We saw a lot of those sentiments when Obamacare declared all businesses had to provide birth control and more at no cost to their employees. Only a very narrow exemption was carved out for churches, but none for religious people who object to what they decreed. Fascism is alive and well in the Democratic Party.
7. Has Obama Peaked?
Democrats' biggest concern isn't the economy; it's whether Obama has already peaked. There are numerous reasons to believe it's true. If true, there are rapidly diminishing opportunities for the Administration to reverse it, and a growing list that could accelerate it….
…Over this prolonged pummeling, Romney has not simply endured, he is even with the incumbent. Shouldn't the incumbent Obama, who faced no primary and was able to save, focus, and control massively more resources, have opened up a lead? Has Obama taken his best shot, while Republicans are still waiting to throw theirs?
There are several indications that
this is true. Presidential reelections are about the incumbent and elected
incumbents overwhelmingly win -- only Carter and Bush I have lost in the last
76 years. Because of this, winning
incumbents increase their popular vote share from their initial election.
Never in U.S, history has a winning
incumbent, in his initial reelection attempt, seen his popular vote percentage
fall. However despite his spending and incumbency advantages, if current polls are correct Obama is
unlikely to come close to reaching his 52.5% of the 2008 popular vote.
Second, in Obama's 2008 victory, most neglected to notice
his win was only an electoral vote landslide and against an opponent with
numerous crippling disadvantages.
McCain failed to unite Republicans, while carrying the burden of two wars and
an economic downturn.
Even more unnoticed was Obama's massive spending advantage. All
told, McCain raised $350 million for his primary and general election
campaigns, while Obama raised $745.7 million. And this huge advantage could be
focused on close states -- further increasing the spending disparity.
While Obama benefitted from a huge
2008 -- and thus far in 2012 -- spending advantage, it is disappearing now. Republican Super PACs have a 3-1 cash on
hand advantage over the Democrats'. Romney also is closing the gap. In May,
Romney outraised Obama $77 million to $60 million and in June, Republicans
raised over $100 million…
…The realization should be emerging
that Obama was not really that strong in
2008, when he massively outspent a disadvantaged opponent. And he is even
weaker now -- despite an early and significant spending advantage -- when
he will be unable to financially overwhelm a stronger opponent. The questions
Democrats must be asking is: Has Obama already peaked? And can he hold on just
long enough?
I do not see Obama’s support growing. He’s in the mid-forties in support right now
and where would an increase come from?
8. The Most Feared Republican
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) is the activist Left’s number one
congressional target this election cycle because he poses an existential threat
to progressivism, a prominent professional left-wing
organizer suggests.
West is “a national rising star in
the Tea Party,” Becky Bond explained during a panel discussion at the Campaign
for America’s Future’s recent Take Back the American Dream confab in
Washington, D.C.
The famously outspoken retired Army
lieutenant colonel with the special talent for getting under Democrats’ skin
“is going to start to define” what the Republican Party stands for, said Bond,
president of the well-funded Credo SuperPAC….
…Under the words “Beyond Crazy,” Credo SuperPAC’s website links to
articles online that trumpet West’s various heresies against political
correctness. Unlike most on the Left, West is unapologetically pro-Israel and pro-life, positions that
probably helped get him maligned as
“racist” and “sexist.”
An Iraq war veteran, West describes
Islam as “a totalitarian theocratic political ideology.” He doesn’t bash the United States for invading Iraq and Afghanistan as
left-wingers are wont to do.
He has said that Fort Hood shooter Army Major Nidal Malik
Hasan, who reportedly said Muslims should “rise up” and attack Americans as
payback for the U.S. war in Iraq, is a
Muslim extremist. This embarrassingly trite assertion is somehow controversial
on the Left. West also refuses to appease terrorism apologists who prefer
to treat Hasan as a mere sufferer of what they call “pre-virtual vicarious Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.”
Because West supported Rep. Paul
Ryan’s (R-Wisc.) extremely modest budget-balancing proposal, the PAC accused him of voting “to abolish
Medicare.” Because he’s not a member of the manmade global warming cult,
West is labeled a knuckle-dragging flat-earther.
West is being targeted as part of
Credo SuperPAC’s “Take Down the Tea Party Ten” campaign. Eight enemies have been
selected so far. The other Tea Party-friendly Republican congressmen with
bullseyes painted on them are Steve King (Iowa), Dan Lungren (Calif.), Mike
Fitzpatrick (Penn.), Joe Walsh (Ill.), Frank Guinta (N.H.), Sean Duffy (Wisc.),
and Chip Cravaack (Minn.)…
It interesting how the left accuses everyone else of hate,
when their actions define hatred. West
is outspoken and the left considers that a threat. He falls (according to leftists) into the
category of Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox News, etc. as a liar and a hater. The left needs to remember that every time
you point a finger at someone else, three of them are pointing back at yourself.
9. More thuggery on the Left
private-school voucher program in Louisiana is set to expand to include more
students than ever, and the teachers’ union is not happy. Last week, the Louisiana Association of Educators (LAE),
the local affiliate of the National Education Association, had its lawyers send
this intimidating notice to a school participating in the newly expanded
voucher program. The message: participating
in this program could get you sued. According to the Advocate, similar letters have been mailed to 95
other participating schools. The lawyers state in the letters that they are
prepared to pursue legal action against schools that participate in the voucher
program because it is, in their estimation, unconstitutional.
So where is the concern for the children??? That’s what we always hear when the teachers
want more money.