Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Little bit of this and a little bit of that

One of the holes in the global warming theory

More and more details are emerging on the greatest fraud in the history of science, the manufacturing of pseudo-scientific theories and data intended to panic the world into carbon control, empowering the leviathan of government to regulate all human activity. Doug Ross presents 12 photos taken and annotated by David Evans of official temperature monitoring stations obviously sited in order to show higher temperatures than in surrounding areas, near air conditioner exhausts, on concrete or asphalt surfaces that absorb and radiate heat, and near car or airplane exhaust flows.

My favorites are Urbana, Ohio:


And here’s song to go along with the story above


Grief Counseling for Democrats after the election?

A staffer for a congressional Democrat who came up short on Tuesday reports that a team of about five people stopped by their offices this morning to talk about payroll, benefits, writing a résumé, and so forth, with staffers who are now job hunting.

But one of the staffers was described as a "counselor" to help with the emotional aspect of the loss — and a section in the packet each staffer was given dealt with the stages of grief (for instance, Stage One being anger, and so on).

"It was like it was about death," the staffer said. "It was bizarre." The staffer did say the portions about the benefits and résumé writing were instructive.

What about all the DONORS AND VOTERS who were convinced that the Democrats would keep the House. Now they are the ones in need of help.


Bernie Sanders socialist

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said HE WOULD LOOK TO BLOCK A MERGER BETWEEN NBC AND COMCAST, citing the decision last week by MSNBC to suspend liberal anchor Keith Olbermann.

Sanders said Comcast’s attempt to acquire NBC from General Electric would result in “another media giant run by a Republican supporter of George W. Bush.”


It appears Sen. Sanders who has sworn to uphold the Constitution doesn’t want to uphold the Constitution in its entirety. “CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. “

Seeing Meat Makes Men Less Aggressive?

Be careful around vegetarians. They rarely get the calming benefit of looking at meat. A researcher found that the sight of meat made men less aggressive.

Frank Kachanoff was surprised. He thought the sight of meat on the table would make people more aggressive, not less. After all, don’t football coaches feed their players big hunks of red meat before a game in hopes of pumping them up? And what about our images of a grunting or growling animal snarling at anyone who dares take their meat away from them? Wouldn’t that go for humans, too?

Kachanoff, a researcher with a special interest in evolution at McGill University’s Department of Psychology, has discovered quite the reverse. According to research presented at a recent symposium at McGill, seeing meat appears to make human beings significantly less aggressive. “I was inspired by research on priming and aggression, that has shown that just looking at an object which is learned to be associated with aggression, such as a gun, can make someone more likely to behave aggressively. I wanted to know if we might respond aggressively to certain stimuli in our environment not because of learned associations, but because of an innate predisposition. I wanted to know if just looking at the meat would suffice to provoke an aggressive behavior.”


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